@slimboyfat: The incident surrounding Vasily Arkhipov was not due to a command from up high, it was a commander that had gotten the idea that the US had already launched because he lost communication. This wasn't the first and definitely not the last time these things happened. There are various occasions that due to miscommunication threatened to launch a war.
There was no indication during the Cuban missile 'crisis' that the Russians would strike, putting the nukes in Cuba would have given no warning to the US had a missile strike been ordered against southern US states. So it seems insane that JFK would think they would first strike and then allowed them to put the missiles so close to home, he would have no warning when they actually did. I think both parties correctly assessed and backchanneled that neither would launch a first strike and the whole thing was just political theater in the end.
But JFK had, like Biden, no idea who or what would come after him, the fall of the Soviet Union dismantled a lot of protections in the command structure and like Biden he didn't care, as long as he had his political 'win' and could go another election (well, that was his plan at least). They don't think long-term, like China does. Hence why China doesn't want a long-term war nor a nuclear option, they, like the Soviet Union think not about winning today's battle but about winning tomorrow's war.
I think here too, there are still a lot of backchannels into Putin's organizational structure. The media isn't telling us everything, the government sure as hell isn't and Putin, like Biden is probably oblivious to the puppet masters that pull the government strings. I stand by the notion that even if Putin loses, he will not pull the trigger and if he did, there is definitely someone standing in the shadows to put a knife in his back if he truly loses it. His health is already weaker, so it'll probably blamed on that, the next president will then not admit defeat but start consolidating his forces and that will be it.